Promoting Health, Physical Activity, and Safety
Ricky's Gym conducts physical activities and sports at various sites throughout the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area based on availability, weather conditions, and levels of interest. Site locations are easily accessible with plenty of parking for your convenience. Facilities are chosen based on the opportunity to provide developmentally appropriate instruction while registrants are participating in moderate to vigorous physical activities.

Location: Minnesota (MN) School of Basketball
6275 - 147th Street, Apple Valley, MN 55124
(Located between Flagstaff & Johnny Cake Road)
Great intimate location to learn and play the game of basketball. Excellent space to practice fundamentals and enjoy playing various lead-up games with friends.

Location: Moeller Park, Apple Valley, MN 55124
139th Street West & Johnny Cake Ridge Road
Awesome location, easily accessible with a lot of space to play the game of soccer. Full-size field with soccer goals and nets are available. Enjoy the fresh air giving chase to the little, white ball.

Location: Campus of Concordia University St. Paul
(Southwest Corner of Hamline and Marshall Avenue)
Multi-purpose facility located in the St. Paul Midway Area, the Gangelhoff Center has plenty of space to conduct a variety of physical activities and sports.